NG/SIG News – July 2020
News from Eastside Day, Eastside Evening, Serger/Open Sew, Westside Day and new Virtual Stashbusters

Since our group is no longer able to meet as a group, we initially started using this board to display our annual Christmas in July program.
It was our way of showcasing the projects that Ruthann and Sharon display each year. Note that the projects we showcased have an asterisk in the title, so that they can easily be found. But, we decided that we wanted to take this board a step farther by including our group news and other projects that our east side day members are making.
Thus, you’ll find all sorts of things to let you know what you can do during this pandemic to use your sewing talents. If you would like to view this board and even participate in it, just send Sharon an email and she’ll send you the information to get you signed up.
Serger East/Open Sewing – Kris Hudson & PK Gott
The Serger/Open Sew Group (SOS Group) is meeting, via Zoom, officially every other month. We met in June and will meet again in August. First Thursday at 1:00 pm. All are welcome. We discuss serger stuff, open sewing stuff, and life stuff… but we are not stuffy!
Eastside Evening – Brenda Marks
The Zoom Tuesday evening group is continuing to share projects, inspiration and questions. We added an unstructured Happy Hour on the fourth Tuesday evening at 6pm. We decided to take on a group challenge to make a coat/jacket from either the Opium (Deer and Doe) or the Tamarack (Grainline). Our deadline is Thanksgiving.

The inaugural meeting was Sunday, July 12. All subsequent meetings will be the 1st Sunday of the month, so the 2nd meeting will be on 2nd August, 2020.
Welcome one and all! The first meeting of Virtual Stashbusters will discuss stash busting and other interests of the group which includes encouraging people to use materials on hand to create lovely new items. The new items can be clothing, craft, etc. Collaborate with others and focus 1-3 pm on a project of your choice or perhaps a “group make.” Stay in the comfort of your home, no driving required, and meet with your sewing friends, old and new, in this new group!
Thank you ladies for your support! Call Robin on 847 902 8022 if you have any questions.
Westside Day – Joyce Plunkett
We are usually a small group of 8-10 and welcome new attendees. You won’t be overlooked in a small group like ours 😉 The normal routine is to go around the “room”, giving each person an opportunity to respond to our topic of the month. Past topics have included Mindful Sewing, Sewing as Help in Difficult Times, Contests/Sew-Alongs, Building a Wardrobe, etc.
We are a discussion group, rather than project oriented. That could change if the group wants it to – I take an informal poll around the first meeting of the year. We encourage Show ‘n’ Tell and sharing our collective knowledge. Questions are encouraged and frequently find an answer.
In short, it’s a small, experienced, and friendly group. We welcome new attendees – and it’s a great opportunity to practice your Zoom skills. We’re all still learning 😉 Our next Zoom-based meeting is scheduled for 10-noon on July 13.