
Neighborhood and Special Interest Group Meetings

Neighborhood and Special Interest groups are a great way to meet new friends. They are small, personal and fun. ASG members are welcome to attend any or all of the neighborhood group meetings. Non-members may visit neighborhood group meetings twice. To attend additional meetings, ASG membership is required.

We offer day, evening and weekend neighborhood groups to accommodate all schedules.

Local meetings are opening up. Contact NG/SIG leaders for more location and/or online information.

Chapter Meetings

Where the Neighborhood Groups afford a more intimate setting, the chapter meetings bring together a larger percentage of our membership. It is a chance to socialize, attend to business affairs and include an education speaker or other activity. Chapter meetings are held approximately quarterly with one Annual Meeting always in December. A Summer Picnic is a new tradition. Non-members may attend a total of two meetings (neighborhood and/or chapter). To attend additional meetings, ASG membership is required.

To find the dates and times of meetings check out our Chapter Calendar.