Special Event with Robin O’Neil

Birds with Abandon 

Scrappy Improvisational Appliqué Birds

Robin O’Neil will teach an appliqué workshop, “Birds With Abandon” which uses scraps and an attitude of playful discovery.

Robin says that she enjoys teaching improvisational “collage” quilting. “We use scraps or yardage- whatever is available, and we will build our pictures without templates. The subject may vary – Birds or Family or Flowers – but the process is the same.” Your bird will be unique to you based on your scraps and imagination.

You will add bits to a base and build a collage. Then turn the edges and appliqué either by hand or by machine. When the square is finished it can be bound or latticed with others to make any size runner or quilt. You can take this technique and embellish clothing or household linens, also.

This is fun and you can’t do it wrong!

When: Saturday, August 24, 2024
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Where: The Commons at Willamette View
12705 SE River Road
Portland, OR 97222

Enrollment is limited. Registration is required.

ASG members: Log in for special pricing!

CRS members before June 15: $59 —Early Bird pricing!
CRS members after June 15: $69
Other ASG chapter members starting July 1: $69
Nonmembers of ASG starting July 1: $89

Lunch and morning coffee service are included in the price.

Sorry! This class is filled!

About  Robin

Robin was a special education teacher for 35 years and began making quilts the same year she entered the classroom. Her interest in both was sparked by children who seemed fearless about color, pattern, and play.

After about 100 quilts, Robin adopted a new philosophy about having fun with her quilting. She now prefers improvisation piecing. This means she uses no templates, no patterns, no basting, no rulers, and- she says – no worries. Scraps are friends. When something she is making doesn’t work, she will usually turn it upside down or cut it into pieces and reassemble it. She likes to add borders or sashing or an unexpected slice of color.

Robin’s thought is this: Life is too short for stress and fretting, especially about quilts!