At the 2019 Annual Meeting and Social
At Quilting Delights on Saturday, December 17, 2019 our Annual Meeting celebrated the biggest turnout to date. Besides sharing treats, an overloaded freecycle table, electing new officers and announcing the winners of the President’s Challenge, it is always inspiring to see what members and the Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups have done throughout the year.
The Westside Day Group recapped their visit to Cotton Cure, their discussions of sewing and sustainability, and who taught them to sew. The Weekend Group worked with leather, held a mystery fabric event and reported that the Jalie Helene jacket was a popular pattern. The Machine Embroidery Group showed off a lovely scarf-hood made by Sheila Hanson. Quilting East Group had a color theory program, did some crumb quilting, and took some field trips. Quilting West Group reported fabric mosaics, a field trip, and showed off their Mini-Me quilts. Eastside Day Group had a holiday party, worked on their PIGS (projects in grocery sacks) project and the Pittock Mansion book display. The Vancouver Group made shawl vests, took field trips to Bolt and Modern Domestic, watched DVDs and held an annual Christmas lunch. Westside Evening Group worked on welt pockets, made the Jan Bones sports bra and a Jalie jacket, made a pants sloper and worked on service projects.The Pattern Fitting Group met in each others’ homes, honing their fitting skills. The Serger Group conducted experiments with differential feed and hem. The Fashion Lunch Bunch Group held monthly fashion shows of members’ makes.