About the Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups

We meet in the evening to accommodate working schedules. We always have a hands-on project. Recent projects are welt-pockets, cardigan jackets, fitted shirts, wrap skirts, fleece hats, zippered bags, tote bags, sewing pillowcases for charity, and window screen bags. We welcome sewists with all levels of experience.
Westside Day – Joyce Plunkett
We are usually a small group of 8-10 and welcome new attendees. You won’t be overlooked in a small group like ours. The normal routine is to go around the âroom,â giving each person an opportunity to respond to our topic of the month. Past topics have included Mindful Sewing, Sewing as Help in Difficult Times, Contests/Sew-Alongs, Building a Wardrobe, etc.
We are a discussion group, rather than project oriented. That could change if the group wants it to since there is an informal poll at the first meeting each year. We encourage Show ân’ Tell and sharing our collective knowledge. Questions are encouraged and frequently find an answer.
Virtual Stashbusters – Robin Rivera & Beth Morris
We are a group dedicated to stash busting.
No matter how small or large your stash is, whether it is a UFO that needs help or a new project, we are here to collaborate with other members of CRS. Bounce ideas, inspire and troubleshoot to bust your stash.
Continue friendships and make new friends in Columbia River Sewing Virtual Stashbusters.
Need ideas? Feel free to ask! All CRS members are valuable resources!
Vancouver – Mary Anne Teague
We are zooming during our regular time, the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10am to noon. Our group discusses a particular sewing topic each month. And we have show ân’ tellâwhich it is always fun to see what others have been making. We just enjoy reconnecting with each other.
Serger Open Sewing – Kris Hudson & PK Gott
We meet officially on even numbered months, the first Thursday, 1-3PM, to virtually discuss stuff, open sewing stuff, and life stuffâŚbut we are not stuffy.
Quilting East – Linda Cadzow
Quilting East is a group dedicated to exploring all things quiltingâpatterns, techniques, quilt shows and shops, inspirations, projects, and members’ triumphs and frustrations.
We have focused on color theory. 9-patch variations, improv and crumb quilting plus basic machine maintenance. We work on group charity quilts and learn new techniques from applique to fabric folding.
You don’t need to be a quilterâjust interested or intrigued. Our group has all skill and experience levelsâfrom just starting to âmanyâ years! Sometimes we sewâsometimes we don’tâ but we always have a good time with lots of conversation and ideas exchanged.
We are a welcoming and inclusive groupâso join us!

If we can, the preference is a hands-on topic, without machines, where we can learn by stepping through the process. Even if we’ve already touched on a topic, we may well visit it again for yet another sewing variation. We share hints and tips, notions, books, and we always have show ân tell of our latest projects.
Not only do several members stitch up quilt-top kits for the Passage Quilt Project (PQP), we strive to complete an annual community service project. Quilt blocks, sometimes stemming from a monthly meeting, are stitched and assembled into one or more Passage Quilt Project quilt tops.
No matter your experience level, please join us. Quilting is sew much fun!
Pattern Fitting – Robin Yuen
At our meetings, we work together to learn more about fitting and find solutions to our specific fitting questions. Our time together is about fitting muslins or final garments, showing off our projects, friendly conversation and sharing our brown bag lunches. We don’t meet at public locations, so we have the privacy to try on garments and take measurements. We welcome sewists with all levels of experience.
Fashion Lunch Bunch – Beverly Shoger
Sharing is what the Fashion Lunch Bunch is all about. Sharing virtually is a great way to continue being inspired by our fellow fashion sewers. We love seeing what is going on in your fashion sewing world, so our Social Media chair has set up a private Pinterest Board just for us. Drag up to four photos to the form below and we’ll get them posted to our Pinterest Board. Detail photos are great and give us a chance to really look at the details
Also, join the monthly Zoom Fashion Lunch Bunch to spread the word of what is going on in your sewing room. It is always good to hear the voices of our fellow members.
Eastside Evening – Brenda Marks
The Tuesday evening group continues to share projects, inspiration and questions on Zoom. Join us for an unstructured Happy Hour on the fourth Tuesday evening at 6pm.
Eastside Day – Sharon Sink
The Eastside Day Neighborhood group established a “secret board” on Pinterest. The board showcases Eastside Day member projects, displays our annual Christmas in July program, and includes our group news.
While we don’t have regular online meetings, you’ll find all sorts of things to let you know what you can do to use your sewing talents. All ASG members can view this board and even participate in it. Contact us to request information to get you access to the Eastside Day Pinterest board.
Weekend Day
Machine Embroidery
– Anne Bregman